Tips To Improve Your Pinterest Visibility

Tips To Improve Your Pinterest Visibility

How is your social media marketing plan looking at this current time?

Like many, your time and effort may be solely spent on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, which are guaranteed to drive you a lot of traffic, but there may be another service that you hadn’t thought of, that may have slipped your mind: Pinterest.

Social Media Examiner shared seven marketing tips for your company on Pinterest, and we’ve chosen five tips to improve our Pinterest visibility and shared them with you!

Price Tags

Pinterest users are rarely only on the site searching for creative insight, they are mostly ready to buy. So, when you’re creating pins or re-pinning, include a price tag.

Pin It

After publishing a blog post, pin an image from the post to a board by copying the url of the pin, as this can be used for later links. Remember to use the same image on your Google+ page also.

Pins and Newsletter Readers

Reaching out to your customers will be more efficient if you turn their inbox for their emails, into a ‘Pinbox’, then you can send out your best pins in your weekly newsletters, similarly in your regular emails.


Pinterest doesn’t get much coverage, and because of that, marketers are still surprised to discover that many well-known brands are unlikely to be found on Pinterest, even if the profile is of an exceptionally high standard, or if the brand is a customer’s favourite.

To get more reach from your Pinterest account and put it out, you can:
– Tweet about Pinterest two to three times a week
– Post about your account on Facebook once or twice a week
– Send out emails mentioning Pinterest and feature a Pinterest profile widget at least once a month
– Add a (free) Pinterest app to your Facebook account
– In addition promoting on social media, enhance your website with a profile widget that allows a ‘follow us’ button and a ‘pin it’ button to be accessed on posted images

Blog Boards

The visibility of your posts and profile can be boosted by simply creating a blog board that will enabling followers to find all of your blog posts.
Followers will also see new blogs you pin onto their homepage, so after posting a blog, ensure that it is pinned onto your board and make sure a brief summary of the article is included, along with a suitable image and a link to the post itself.

Let us help you develop your digital marketing strategy!

Daniel Ricardo